The sweet sound of medieval England

Ensemble: Belladonna
CD: Melodious Melancholye, The sweet sounds of medieval England - Les doux sons de l'Angleterre médiévale.

Miriam Andersén (harp & vocals; from Sweden)
Rebecca Bain (fiddle & vocals; from Canada)
Susanne Ansorg (fiddle & rebec; from Germany)

Tutti i diritti riservati ai musicisti dell'ensemble Belladonna, il video ha il solo scopo di diffondere la bellezza della musica nel medioevo.


Anon., ca 1265 Worldes blis ne last no throwe - 0:00
Anon., 13th c. Hevene quene (Instr.) – 5:26
Anon., ca 1225 Miri it is while sumer ilast – 8:07
Anon., ca 1270 Ar ne kuth ich sorghe non – 11:13
Anon., ca 1300 Bryd one breere – 16:17
Anon., end 13th c. Dou way Robin / Sancta mater gracie – 19:26
Anon., early 15th c. Wel wer hym that wyst – 23:19
Anon., early 15th c. Abide, I hope it be the best – 24:46
Anon., early 15th c. Plus penser que dire – 27:12
Anon., early 15th c. Alas, departynge is ground of woo – 31:23
Walter Frye, Alas, alas is my chief song – 33:20
So ys emprentid – 36:57
Robertus de Anglia O fallaze e ria Fortuna – 40:14
John Bedyngham (Bedingham) Agwillare – 42:34
Anon., end 15th c. My woeful heart – 45:04
Anon., early 15th c. Lullay lullow -51:37

Anonymous: Prisoner's Song • Musica Reservata • John Beckett – 57:40
medieval, england, ensemble belladonna
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